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SeaPerch Wave Voyagers

In this initiative of The Citizen Science Lab, Black/African-American students build their ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts and then navigate it through aquatic obstacle courses. Throughout this year-long experience, participants learn engineering concepts, problem-solving, teamwork, and technical applications of robotics and engineering.

The SeaPerch (SWV)  curriculum teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. SWV is an innovative nationwide underwater robotics initiative that equips students with the resources and support to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).

Skills Learned:

  • Technical Design and Troubleshooting
  • Soldering
  • Working with Electronics
  • Waterproofing
  • Remote Operated Vehicle Piloting
  • Writing Technical Reports
  • Tool Usage

Transportation from the students’ school to The Citizen Science Lab- South Hills will be provided for those that need it.

Teams will meet weekly on either Tuesdays (Male/Male-Identifying Group) or Wednesdays (Female/Female Identifying Group) from 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM. Teams will be grouped by age.

All participants will be provided dinner from 6:00 PM – 6:30PM.

The SWV Initiative Application

The TUESDAY SeaPerch session and is open to Black/African American Males/Male-Identifying students.

The WEDNESDAY SeaPerch session and is open to Black/African American Females/Female-Identifying students.

Applications open up in late summer or early fall. Please email us directly at [email protected] for late applications, or if you do not see an Application event below.

Funded by:

Donors + Sponsors

Awards + Recognition

A logo for the citizen science lab.


A group of people in lab coats and gloves working on something.

Hill District Lab
The Hill District location is currently under a relocated plan.

A group of people in lab coats and gloves.

South Hills Lab
1699 Washington Rd.
Suite 200
Pittsburgh PA 15228
(814) 830-3100

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